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This project was born in order to get around a simple limitation: many social networks only offer the possibility to add a single link to an external website. So how do you go about sharing your YouTube channel, your Twitter account, your Instagram profile and your Facebook page at the same time?

Dudr is a web platform that meets exactly this need: add your social links, share your page, and get insights about your audience. Although the concept was innovative at the time, nowadays there are many popular services like Linktree for example.

User profile with many social links

Each user can configure his page according to his preferences: add a photo, change the background color, highlight a few links or add a contact email address.

Business model

The business model is based on a monthly subscription fee, giving the user access to analytics about his page. These include the number of clicks per link, the evolution of clicks, the number of visits, the sources of visits, etc.

Dashboard page including clicks analytics and graphs

These subscriptions were managed using the Stripe platform.

The end

Originally, I developed this project to improve my computer skills, with no intention of opening it to the public. I was encouraged to do so by my friends' requests. Unfortunately, the paying users were not enough to cover the costs of the thousands of free users. As I didn't particularly want to invest more time in this project, I decided to shutdown the platform.

With the benefit of hindsight and the experience gained over the last few years, it is a choice I would reconsider. However, I have no regrets as I have drawn beneficial conclusions for the future.


I worked on this project in my spare time to learn more about developing a web application with Laravel.