Software engineer
and amateur beekeeper.

I'm Joé, a software engineer based in Fribourg, Switzerland. While working on many personal, professional, and educational projects, I've encountered many faces of computer science. That's what makes this field exciting: there are always new things to learn.

When I'm not behind a computer, I'm probably coaching and playing on my amateur ice hockey team, caring for hundreds of thousands of bees, or riding my motorcycle.

Joé standing on an ice hockey fieldBeehives with many flying beesFace of JoéJoé riding his bike


Agent for emotion regulation and behavioral activation

Nowadays, many people suffer from disorders such as depression or anxiety. This conversational agent aims to support these people, using acceptance and commitment therapy. I worked on this project for my Master thesis at the HES-SO in Lausanne.

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Web application for emotion regulation

This web application aims to help people suffering from psychological and behavioral disorders to manage their emotions. I worked on this project during my Master studies at the HES-SO in Lausanne.

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Image-based amphibian recognition

The canton of Vaud has built several tunnels under the road in the town of Gimel, to allow animals to cross safely. The main goal of this project is to automate the counting of newts, frogs or toads on the images captured in the tunnels. I worked on this project for the "Machine Learning on Big Data" course given at the HES-SO in Lausanne.

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Data collection on meat substitutes packaging

The Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) is responsible for measuring and evaluating the consumption of food packaging in Switzerland. The goal of this project is to use modern IT tools to simplify the data collection process for a specific food category: meat substitutes. I worked on this project for my Bachelor thesis at the HEIA-FR in Fribourg.

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Dudr is your social profile: add your social links, share your page, and get insights about your audience. I worked on this project in my spare time to learn more about developing a web application with Laravel.

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  1. HEIA-FR Logo
    HumanTech Institute
    Software Engineer
  2. Swiss Flag
    Swiss Armed Forces
    E-Learning Specialist
  3. Swisscom Logo


  1. HES-SO Logo
    Master of Science in Computer Science
    HES-SO, Lausanne5.7 / 6
  2. HEIA-FR Logo
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    HEIA-FR, Fribourg5.7 / 6
  3. CPNV Logo
    Mediamatician Apprenticeship
    CPNV, Yverdon5.2 / 6


  • Bachelor Thesis
    • Award presented at the Bachelor of Science graduation ceremony in Fribourg.
  • Apprenticeship’s final work
    • Nomination of the 10 best works in Switzerland.
    • Award presented at the ICT Award Night 2017 in Olten.
  • Swiss Mediamatician Champion
    • Competition evaluated on an 8-hour exam in the heart of Zurich's train station.
    • Award presented at the ICT Award Night 2016 in Olten.
    • Article by La Liberté.
  • Regional Mediamatician Champion
  • Young Champion
    Issued by Swisscom
    • Selection of the 30 best apprentices within Swisscom.


  • French
    Native (C2)
  • English
    Professional (B2)
  • German
    Professional (B2)